The journey map link lane allows you to connect a step with related journey maps. You can use this lane to zoom into a detailed journey of a particular step or to show alternative journeys of different zoom levels, use cases, scenarios, contexts, etc.
Creating a journey map repository help you stay on top of all the information by linking related maps. You can zoom into a step to see a detailed journey map with more detailed descriptions, or zoom out to remind us of the big picture.
Besides enabling you to find sub-journeys, a journey map repository also helps to find previous projects, research data, double-track work and synergies. It also allows you to find different maps depending on different use cases, audiences, main actors, or from different times.
At the latest if you want to embed and scale service design in an organization or even embrace journey maps as a management system, it becomes essential to establish and build upon a structured journey map repository.
Learn more about this topic on our article on the why and how of a journey map repository.
Why creating hierarchies with link lane
Create a journey map link lane
Click on the "add lane" button and select journey map link on the lane menu.
You can link several journey maps from your different projects to the selected steps. After that you can also add a short description that might help to your collaborators to know what those linked journey maps are about.
Please note that titles and descriptions are visible. This lane reveals titles and descriptions for all linked journey maps. Users of this map can only open linked maps if they have access to those projects as well.
When you click on your linked journey map, it will be opened in a new tab.
Duplicate or copy linked journey maps: Please note that the journey map links won't be copied when duplicating or moving your journey map.
Unlink journey map and delete lane
You can unlink your journey map by clicking on the three dots, then choose "unlink". If you would like to delete the whole lane you can do it by clicking on the cogwheel and select "delete lane". Please note that there is no undo for that action. If you would like to you can also hide/show the entire lane.