The emotional journey lane illustrates the customers' emotions or satisfaction with one specific experience.
On the emotional journey lane you can either look at the emotions of one persona, or you can compare multiple personas with each other. To do so, add a second persona to your journey map (you can do so on the journey map outline).
The emotional journey will be illustrated as a graph, showing the emotion on a scale from -2 (very negative) to 0 (neutral) to +2 (very positive). You can add values by double-clicking on the lane, afterwards you can move emotional values up and down by drag and drop.
The emotional lane colors are the ones of your persona. So in order to change them you have to open the persona and change their colour on the top right.
Also you can decide if you'd like to illustrate emotions as colored (default setting) or if you'd like to use emoticons. To use emoticons, hover on one of the values and use the pop-up arising to set the emoticons.