You can import your journey maps from Miro, Mural, Lucidspark, Excel, and photos/screenshots. 

How to start?

When you create a new journey map, first add a name to your journey, then pick one of the sources:

  • Blank (start from scratch with an empty map)
  • Miro (connect your Miro account and import to Smaply)
  • Excel (import your xls file)
  • Photo (import your workshop photo, image or screenshot of other journey maps)
  • Mural (import image made in Mural)
  • Lucidspark (import image made in Lucidspark)

Import from Miro

  1. Connect your Miro account — make sure that "Smaply Web Capture" app installed in your Miro team
  2. Check the accessibility of your board — it might happen you have to modify it to successfully connect Miro with Smaply

  3. Choose your Miro board
  4. Import your journey map

More about how to import from Miro

Import from Excel

  1. Format an Excel sheet within the workbook you'd like to import — each cell should represent a single idea/step
  2. Import Excel file to Smaply

More about how to import from Excel

Import from Photos

  1. Take a photo of your workshop wall or any screenshots or images of your journey map
  2. Import photo to Smaply

Maximum size of photos: 3.5 MB

Format of photos: JPG, PNG

When you take a screenshot, please make sure you zoom in on your board/image so the sticky notes will be readable.

More about how to import an image from a visual tool

Text detection mode

When you turn on text detection mode, it helps you to quickly select text and make it a step. The highlighted areas will be steps on your journey map.

How to select an area?

Click once anywhere to select and add a new area.

How to resize or move an area?

Drag corners to resize the selected areas; or drag items to arrange them.

How to remove an unwanted area?

Click to select a single note; or drag to select multiple notes

Use the delete key or delete button on the top right corner

More info about how to work with images

Import from Mural

  1. Open your Mural account
    1. Select sticky notes and organize them into the right area
    2. Export area as image and download PNG file
  2. Come back to Smaply and upload your image here

You can also make a screenshot of your Mural board and upload that image to Smaply. Please make sure you zoom in on your board so the sticky notes will be readable.

More info about how to import from Mural

Import from Lucidspark

  1. Open your Lucidspark account
    1. Open the menu and select the file format to export
    2. Custom-crop the area, then download the file
  2. Come back to Smaply and upload your image here

You can also make a screenshot of your Lucidspark board and upload that image to Smaply. Please make sure you zoom in on your board so the sticky notes will be readable.

More info about how to import from Lucidspark